
Writing challenge for inferences
Writing challenge for inferences

Discuss situations in which students don't have all of the information and have to make logical guesses, such as figuring out what someone is trying to say, figuring out what is happening in a movie, or figuring who the singer is on the radio. Point out that you are making an inference based upon the fact that you know you were working on your lesson plan at home. You were reading it over while having breakfast, so you probably left it on your kitchen table. You got to school this morning and you couldn't find a lesson plan. For example, you may want to introduce making inferences with an example such as the following. Emphasize that they will bring their own knowledge of events to the text, so each inference may be unique. Tell students that good readers make inferences to understand what they are reading.

writing challenge for inferences

Introduce this strategy by modeling it for students, starting with everyday examples, moving to listening activities, and then to text examples. Inferences may occur in the form of conclusions, predictions, or new ideas (Anderson and Pearson, 1984). Proficient readers use their prior knowledge and textual information to draw conclusions, make critical judgments, and form unique interpretations from text. They can identify when and why the meaning of the text is unclear to them and can use a variety of strategies to solve comprehension problems or deepen their understanding of a text (Duffy et al. Researchers have confirmed that thoughtful, active, proficient readers are metacognitive they think about their own thinking during reading.

writing challenge for inferences

Helping students make texts memorable will help them gain more personal pleasure from reading, read the text more critically, and remember and apply what they have read. Readers who make inferences use the clues in the text along with their own experiences to help them figure out what is not directly said, making the text personal and memorable. Making an inference involves using what you know to make a guess about what you don't know or reading between the lines.

Writing challenge for inferences